Imaginative Play

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In my work as a brain electrician, a key element in our rewiring of neural networks is done through the use of imaginative play.

Young humans have no problem in 'pretending' and it is a crucial part of how they develop their understanding of the world. Although the value of imaginative play is generally undervalued in the education world, it is now recognised that it is key to children both internalising and making sense of their experiences and in them developing their cognitive skills.

Lev Vygotsky back in the 1920's was the first academic to fully appreciate the value of imaginative play in children's development. However it has taken the best part of a century for his ideas to really begin to catch on.

After spending an excessive amount of time on H2G2 in recent weeks, the thought has occurred to me that there is no real difference between children in my workplace playing in the home corner and say the Cheshire Grin Inn or the Forum and F****n, except that the children need concrete props whereas the 'grown-ups' only need GuideML to create a structure for their play.

So it would seem that the various weird and wonderful establishments on H2G2 are in fact not only a place to have fun but also to improve your higher brain functions. No, honestly!!

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