Sons and Daughters of The Irish Clans.

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It has long been said, “There is a book in everyone,” but in some of us there are so many that they will never all be written; and in such cases the only thing to do is to record as much information as possible; and hope that eventually someone else will take up the baton and run with it.

Also it is a fact that no matter how interesting a story is, unless it is taken up by a skilled marketing agency with influence, it will merely gather dust in some obscure corner of a budding author’s home.

The book “The Golden Age of Steam” mainly concerns the working lives of the Engine Men of The Rossendale Valley and the manner in which they were abandoned by a very ungrateful government eager to confiscate the wealth and assets of the old railway companies.

Their methods of obtaining the assets; and the subsidies that followed are well documented from 1947 to the millennium, together with the deeds of the heroic enginemen who transported essential war materials and men, even as the bombs were falling around their trains, and to my knowledge they never complained or told a soul about it, even though as I know quite well, some of the firemen working out of Manchester Victoria as the bombs were falling were only sixteen years of age.

Tommy Burke! one of the firemen was a little older than that, and while still only about twenty two years old he was very mature for his age in many ways; as my little story dedicated to him reveals quite clearly.
Tommy of Irish decent had been born and bred in the poorest area of the Lancashire cotton town of Bacup, and after a series of jobs of varying skills he had eventually joined the most fortunate of the town’s youth as a passed cleaner on the great L.M.S Railway.

Here is just a little of Tommy’s history and qualities, his whole story would require a full book, and to the end of his much too short a life Tommy himself never knew of his own ancient lineage and pedigree as now revealed by a single click, Burke. de Burgh, or Doon Castle. Ireland on the computer.

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