planets allign

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May 5,2000


That's what they told me when I heard that on may fifth,(cinco de mayo), most of are planets will allign with the sun.
Ok, today is the big day.

Well, I have not seen any terrible earthquakes or wild thunderstorms.....

But...if you go on a desent walk today, you will notice something quite strange....
our gravity is alittle stronger.
I would have not noticed this fact myself if it wasn't for my brother who is an exercise freak.
He pointed it out to me.

Its not a grand observation. PLUS, the day is not over yet.

Unfortunatly, because all the planets are inside the sun's glare you won't be able to see this.

The last month, of course was awesome. Just after twilight, in the west, you could see Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn all in a neat triangle.

Look later in the month for the appearance of Venus as the evening star. Right now Venus passes through the sun's disk which usually takes about 8 days. On the other hand it will take some time for Venus to be high enough to witness.

Well, here's hoping that the world don't jack knife....

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