Grandma Gruver's Green Stuff

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13 oz. can evaporated milk
3 oz. package lime Jello
1 3/4 C hot water
1/4 C imitation lime juice
2 tsp imitation lemon juice
1/2 C sugar
2 C chocolate wafer crumbs (one pack of cookies)
1/3 C melted margarine
Disolve Jello in hot water. Stir in lemon and lime juices and sugar.
Put in freezer, stirring often, just until thick but not set.
At the same time as the Jello goes in the freezer, put evaporated milk in freezer in a separate bowl.
The milk is ready when it is very cold and has crystals forming around the edge. It should not be frozen.
While you wait for the milk and Jello to set, crush the cookies into fine crumbs and combine with the melted margarine.
Press mixture into an ungreased 9x13 pan. Set aside.
When the milk is beginig to freeze and the Jello is starting to set, take the milk and beat it with an electric mixer until it is very thick. It should form stiff peaks.
Then fold the well stirred Jello into the whipped milk.
Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and refrigerate overnight.

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