San Francisco

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Spent the first 2 weeks of May 1998 in S.F. A few personal observations, intended for visitors, as opposed to tourists,
who can get all they need from a guide book. The public transit system is great, despite the opinion of the locals.
If you're arriving on the 1st. or the 15th. of the month, the BART Plus ticket is a great deal. I paid $28 for $15 BART
value, plus unlimited use of the MUNI system (including cable cars) & several other transit systems, for 2 weeks.
The BART value means you can cross the bay & visit Berkely (recommended) & Oakland (dubious). The 1, 3, or 7 day
MUNI Passport is good value if you're only going to be there for a short time. Without some sort of pass, the cable cars
are horrendously expensive at $2 a ride. It's a problem having a car here. Parking is difficult & expensive & the traffic
can be horrendous (but not as bad as London by any means). The MUNI map shows all the routes & is also an
excellent city map. Get one.

If you want to see the real Chinatown, walk Stockton St., one block uphill from Grant Avenue. It's not at all touristy.

For late afternoon relaxation, The Top of the Mark, the Carnelian Room (Bank of America building I think) at about
the 500 block on California, or the Crown Room at the Fairmont all offer great views with your drinks.

If you want to take a trip on the Bay (& who doesn't) try the ferry to Larkspur. It's a lot cheaper than the tour boats.

To ride the cable cars it's easier to jump on along the route than to stand in line at Fisherman's Wharf or Market St.
The California line is less crowded.

Alamo Square is well known, but there are lots of lovely Victorians in areas like the Haight.

There are often exhibitions in the lobby of the Trans Am building,(you know, the pyramid) When I was there, I saw
some watercolours by Prince Charles (& I had to travel 7000 miles to see them!)

Search out some of the wooden stairways. Around Russian Hill & Telegraph Hill are some fine ones. In the same area,
Macondray Lane is a delight.

When it comes to eating, you'll be spoilt for choice. A few of my favourites are Capp's Corner at Green & Powell
(Italian) Table Ten at Powell & Union, (great lobster) Il Pollaio on Columbus, near Washington Square (chargrilled
chicken & very cheap)

Finally, if , like me, you don't want to spend much, I can recommend the Berkely Guide, full of great ideas which
are free or don't cost much

Chris Kay

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