my Interpretation of Nothingness.

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Does nothingness exist,no. does 0 zero exist, no.

you cannot define nothingness for it does not exist, their are many that have tried.

for to define, you need "SOMETHING" to define, it must exist,and existance is creation.

nothingness does not exist so cannot be there is nothing there to define.

To create something,you need space,ie. houses,roads,blank canvas.for if we do not have space creation can not take place,as there is no room for it.

Lets look at numbers,number crunchers tell us everything exists?
and can prove it with maths.what numeral do they start with 0 zero.nothing?
What is the highest number you can count to before you have to loop back,
Lets try.0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9.
Appears we start at 0 nothing,return to and restart at 0 nothing.a beginning a middle and a new beginning.which just keeps on looping.
In a circle..
Sounds like life,you are born/you live/you die,and some say to be reborn.

So I think of nothingness as a space, with no beginning or end.
and this space allows creation to exist and multiply.

Reminds me of something Ive heard.
What is the creator..
I, have no beginning,and no end.
I, am, all things,seen and unseen.

The reason I wrote this,was just to tease number crunchers
[the atom]. philosophers and the like.enjoy.


All creation is on a timer,and this clock starts the moment it is created.a beginning a middle and a new beginning.only the nothingness is eternal.

And The creator is....?

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