Evil Army Armory - Weapons

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Weapons of the Evil Army. Mostly taken from the Cow House when Supermoo joined the Evil Army, the armory also has weapons that are unique to the Evil Army. Mostly the weapons humiliate an enemy rather then injure or kill. Covering people in sticky nasty substances is also a common feature to the weapons.


Discription: A catapult that lanches Spam

Materials:Wooden structure with metal treads for wheels as well as
a Jumbo Size Water-proof Plastic Cup holster...er...Holder.


Trebuchette D'Spam

Discription: A trebuchette that launches spam.

The rest of the information is the same as the catapult with the
exception of the range being a good many times longer

Disintergrating Pistol

Discription:Looks like any standardized ACME Disintergrating

Matierials:Who Knows?


Description: Stands for Satirically Large Ultra
Green Slime Rocket Launcher

Discription: Looks like a rocket lancher.

Ammunition: S.L.U.G.S. Rockets. Longest Range of all S.L.U.G.S.
weapons. The slime expands rapidly on detenation and remains there for some
time. Very effective for quick excapes and suprise raids. Large area of

S.L.U.G.S. GlobShooter

Discription: Looks like a fancy straw with an optional large
telescoping sight and LASER targeting device.

Ammunition: Pea-sized S.L.U.G.S. globs. Has a medium range. The
slime expands rapidly on detenation and remains there for some time. Good
for those who don't have the space for a full sized S.L.U.G.S. weapon or
have a need to conceal their weapons. Small area of effect.

S.L.U.G.S. Granade/Granade Launcher

Discription: Looks like a granade and Granade Launcher.

Ammunition:Granades have an 8 second fuse and a short range.
Granade Launcher uses granades which detenate on impact and has a medium
range. The slime expands rapidly on detenation and remains there for some
time. Good for stopping large numbers of enemies. Meduim area of

S.L.U.G.S. Bomb

Discription: Large Bomb looking thing. Loads of fun caused by
loads of slime.

Ammunition: It's Big and it Goes BOOM. Huge Area of effect.
Suggest getting away very fast when you see one of these coming. Can be
Dropped from above or detenated from a distance via remote. Not much need
for any large range, good thing because you dont have any large range with
this. You can drop it or detenate it.

S.L.U.G.S. R.E.B.S Gun

DescriptionStands for: S.L.U.G.S. Rapid
Emmission Boom Stick

Discription: Basically a machine gun...hence the Rapid Emmission
part...fires hardened S.L.U.G.S. Pellets...Doesn't have the area of effect
due to the minimal expansion of the Satirically Large Ultra Green Slime in
it's more solid state...

S.L.U.G.S. Landmine

Discription:Like a standard landmine only it is filled with S.L.U.G.S. ammo. When triggered it spreads S.L.U.G.S. immbolizing those who get caught in the goop. The Geneva Convention is debating on whether or not being stuck in awkward poses for hours should be considered cruel warfare.

S.L.U.G.S. Airmine

Discription:Like the landmine except it is used in the air.
Comes in three varieties: heat seeking, magnetic, and the classic stationary version

Usage:Just put in place and its ready to go! Its that easy! WARNING: Airmine may explode while being put in place depending on the humorous effect of this action.


Stands for:Simulated Astronomicaly Large Teaspoon of Stuff

Discription: Not actually a weapon but certainly not a gadget, S.A.L.T.S. is a substance that comes in a salt shaker type container. It was originally designed to be a counter to the S.L.U.G.S. weapon but due to the word "stuff" being added to the acronym it gained immense multi-purpose abilities.

Uses that have been discovered so far:

  • Dissolves any sticky substance including S.L.U.G.S.
  • Revives anyone from unconsciousness even if drugged or in a coma
  • Rubbed into a wound to heal it. Can even heal broken bones.


Stands for:Super Cannon Usually Distributes S.A.L.T.S.

Discription: Just what it says. Its a cannon that distributes S.A.L.T.S.

Uses: Used to distribute large amount of S.A.L.T.S. substance in a short time over a wide area. Useful for real messy battles.

Heugjkekoken Lickenfrocken

Discription: Unlike most of the items in the armory this weapon isn't a acronym. It is simply an item with a name thats probably hard for any english speaker to pronounce. More than likely its a blunt object because its used to throw at someone.

Usage: Used to throw at someone. Hopefully rather than abusing continuity to figure a reason it didn't hit the victim will be busy pondering how to pronounce its name.


Stands for: Longly Accidental Super Earwax Rifle

Discription: A rifle which was accidently invented for a LONG time. Shoots earwax and is 10X more effiecient then the leading brand

Usage: You shoot earwax at things with it


Stands for:Fantastically Abstract Revolving Telescoping Swords

Discription:... The name really explains it all. Or as much of it as CAN be explained.

Usage:This weapon is used for the purposes of stabbity death.

Pun Gun

Discription:A gun that fires a pun with a loud bang sound that sounds like a BANG. This weapon was used first, but not named by Supreme Commander EvilClaw, the greatest of all the soldiers in the Evil Army1. EvilClaw used this weapon in his days as Philosopher and attacked innocent bystanders and SuperMOO with puns.

Usage:Point at someone and pull the trigger. Any other idiot could figure it out.


Stands for:Helium-filled Effective Mass Anihilator Great Large Oval Bomb Is Nifty Er Something-like-it.

Discription: This weapon is an anti-air bomb that rises when released. Also comes in a droppable version, as well as heat seeking, magnetic and remotly controled versions.

Usage: Just release and it will float upwards.

R.E.F.R.I.E.D. B.E.A.N.S.

Stands for:Rarely Edible Flea Ridden Iron Encased Dried Bacon Effectively Anihilates Notions of Sanity

Discription: Looks like a sword but is shaped like a large peice of bacon encased in iron...it comes in sharp and blunt flavors...


Stands for:Fruedian Id-powered Fork And Spoon Produces Overly Rancid Kefir

Note: Kefir is a "slightly effervesent acidulous beverage made of fermented cow's milk"...

Description: A spork shaped weapon that utilizes rancid kefir. I don't really know what this thing does.


Stands for:Flaming-Log-of-Amalgamated-Methane-Eggs-Tomatos-Herring-Ruber-Orangatangs-and-Whatsihooser-Eggamabobs Rocket Shooter

Description: I have no idea what this thing does. Something involving shooting rockets I assume. Use at your own risk.

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1I wrote this so I can pump up my ego as much as I want!

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