Talking Point - Does Size Matter?

12 Conversations

A 1980s man using an archaic mobile phone.

The notion that big does not necessarily mean better was addressed aeons ago by David and Goliath, when ingenuity shone in the face of gigantism. If we look at literature, most wordsmiths prefer concision over protraction, while food buffs preach that quality beats quantity hands-down. Indeed, these days we seem obsessed by increasingly compact technologies, with iPods, laptops, and matchbox-sized mobile phones abounding. But as people-carriers and one-stop super-shops proliferate, there’s an evident useful flipside to society larging-it-up.

Let us know your thoughts by joining this vast area of discussion.

  • Do you have a hankering for ultra-tiny gizmos? Or perhaps stretch limos?

  • Can you relate to the Wagon Wheel Effect? Has anything else seemingly shrunk over the years?

  • Do you think you are too tall or too small? Do you feel there are pros or cons of being your height?

  • If you were zapped in 'Honey I Shrunk the Kids', how would you make the most of your new-found stature?

  • Your contributions may be used for a future Edited Entry, so the more input you make, the better.

  • Try to give us as much as you can on one topic at a time, rather than cramming in loads of information on random topics.

  • Feel free to start your own Conversation or join in on someone else's - you might even find you'll be able to help another researcher fill in the gaps!

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