Britain Divided [the enemy within]

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What has happened to Britain,once it had social harmony,it was a beacon in the dark,a haven for the persecuted,a nemesis to evil.
Now it is like a rabid dog,attacking itself and others with little or no provocation.

"I used to think of britain as a giant pot of hot water,and its peoples,communities,cultures and their beliefs as the ingredients,"

hot water may heat you up, but it is tasteless has no nourishment and is not filling,but add the ingredients, they mix and blend together and give you warmth flavour nourishment,and leaves you content and harmonious.[ A giant pot of soup].

Once the peoples of Britain were like this but no longer,and every year it gets worse, why?

To answer this we have to start at the beginning,before Britain was born.

Many years ago all we had were small individual villages and towns, and we were not very friendly towards each other,this made it easy for larger invading forces,to take from us what they wished with impunity,and they did this on a regular basis ie vikings.

over time we learnt united we were strong divided we were easy prey,so we made treaties with each other, and learned to cooperate,so that when the invaders came they met a united front,and learnt they could not take from us with impunity.

Many other races learnt of us, and came to trade and to live in these mixed societies,and their communities and cultures mixed with ours and this made us stronger.

Over hundreds of years many peoples of all creeds colours and beliefs came to britain and thrived,and brought with them the knowledge and science of their own lands,and this knowledge gave us the advantage to become great.
But the power brought its own evils,and our new kingdom the size of a postage stamp,wrought havoc on the world,and brought great empires to their knees,and carved with blood the british empire,the greatest and most feared ever known.

But our greatest strentgh is our peoples, all descended from different races,cultures communities,all working together in harmony,a peoples united kingdom,and this is were our true strentgh comes from,our peoples all mixed, 1 mixed community and culture,and this is what gave us our identity. "I AM BRITISH" We are united [UNITED KINGDOM].

So we have always had mixed races ,creeds cultures communities,our "HISTORIES" proves this [check our blood lines].
ie english anglo saxon,scot celt[kelt] etc....

So for people to say brits are me it is not just insulting,but a derogatory and very disturbing and dangerous thing to say.

Who started all this the political correct,[PC.THEY STARTED THE/MULTY/ISM/IST.]

6 ETC.

So instead of mixed communities,mixed cultures,mixed races,and equality of sex.

We get individualism,separtism.

And then religious fundamentalists jump on the bandwagon,demanding their own laws [sharia law].
and if they achieve this we get self imposed separatism.

PC= we will dictate to you.
Fundamentalists, we want our own laws....

So we started out thinking we had one mixed community and culture,and had harmony for years,
and now thanks to our very clever pc peoples we find out we are wrong,its multyism we are all living in different communities different societies,seems we are reverting to our early past,
we were united now we are divided.

So who is causing the division in Britain.DUH.

The PC peoples,and fundementalists,are stopping the mixing of the communities,and in doing so creating disharmony in the community.These peoples are the Enemy within,they are succeeding were Empires have failed,creating nationalism,anarchy,no wonder young muslims are being most brits we have lost our identity.

"If this is not bad enough the western economy is in chaos,I believe we are at a crossroads,and as long as financial stability ensues we shall ride out the storm,if not history teaches us of peoples natures,in times of chrisis it resorts to the nature of the beast,the law of the jungle.


And fools shall rule the world and at their heels shall ride the horsemen...

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