Escape from Samsara @ The Fridge, Brixton, London, UK

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Quite possibly one of the best club nights in the UK, non stop uplifting trance and banging techno from 10pm till gone 6am.

A mad up-for-it crowd combine with stage acts to create an unmissible experience.

Along with the main bar there is a small cafe which serves hot and cold drinks for when you need to chill-out.

Upstairs you will find stalls selling all kinds of pointless tat, that you will wonder why you ever bought when you get home in the morning.

Whilst the dance floor can get a bit busy at times you can usually find a spot to strut your stuff.

It's worth staying till the end of the night for a very impressive light show along with tickettape falling from the roof above, with can mess with your head a bit if you've been having it a bit too large.

Check your pre-conceptions in at the door and get yourself along, you'll be glad you did.

Door Tax: £13 (£8 students b4 11pm)
Drinks: Around £3 a can / £2.50 for a bottle of water

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