The Intelligent Pubic Hair:

2 Conversations

How do they do that?

This page represents the culmination of several months of delicate intensive research into the great mystery that surrounds the life cycle of the 'intelligent Pubic hair' and is dedicated to those of us who, without the benefits of a formal education, find ourselves lying awake at nights puzzling about such things.

It is a well known fact that when, for various reasons it has been necessary to shave the pubic area, say for minor surgery, child birth or perhaps following the trimming up of ones 'three cornered haircut' to present a less hirsute bikini line, the pubic hair grows again. but have you ever wondered how it appears to know how long to grow, before it stops growing?

That it does stop growing is something that we all should celebrate, for without this ability we should find ourselves increasingly tripping over the little buggers, and bikinis, mini skirts and tutus would be things of the past, Leaving plus-fours as the only sociably acceptable form of dress. So then fellow Hikers wonder no more for the answer has been found...

It appears that 'Watch springs' far from being intelligent members of the hair family, are in fact the remnants of our earlier fur, and as fur they only grow for a period of about seven weeks and then just fall out. All of which helps to explain:
(a) why they appear to know just how long to grow, and
(b) why there are always enough of them in the average shower plug hole to stuff a small mattress.

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