Sir Winston Spencer Chruchill1 1874-1965./
Created | Updated Apr 17, 2005
Sir Winston Spencer Chruchill1 1874-1965
It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotation's. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations is an admirable work, and I study it intently. The quotation's when engraved upon the memory give you good thought's. They also make you anxious to read the author's and look for more. Ib
The German dictator, instead of snatching the victual's from the table, has been content to have them served to him course by course.
Speech on the Munich agreement, House of commons [October 5, 1938]
That long [Canadian] frontier from the Atlantic to the Pacfic Ocean's, guarded only by neighborly respect and honorable obligation's, is an example to every country and a pattern for the future of the world.
Speech in honor of R.B. Bennett, Canada Club, London [April 20th, 1939]
Death and sorrow will be the companion's of our journey; hardship our garment; constancy and valor our only shield. We must be united, we must be undaunted. We must be inflexible.
Report on the War, House of Commons [ October 8th, 1940]
We will have no truce or parley with you [Hilter] or the grisly gang who work your wicked will. You do your worst -we will do our best.
Speech, London County Council [July 14th, 1941]
Poltic's are almost as exciting as war, and quite as dangerous. In war you can be killed once, but in poltic many times. Remark [1920]