Chavs/Townies/Neds/Scallies/Boy Racers

4 Conversations

Chavs, unfortunatly are not elusive creatures. The tend to represent a large percent of the popualtion.

They usualy dwell in inner-city areas, this makes them feel as though they are in "Da Ghetto". They usualy wear Burrberry or Le Coq Sportif make clothes, usualy in the combination Burberry hat, Le Coq everything else, including socks, which will of course have the Le Coq sportif trousers tucked into them. Over this, blend of style and comfort...there will of course be more jewlrey than Mr T at the BAFTA's
this will include heavy gold chains with either a "three lions" emblem, a dollar sign emblem, or of course, a marijuana leaf emblem (because they once saw some bloke smoking either marijuana or a roll up, they couldnt tell from the window of their mum's lexus). On the fingers they wear sovereign rings with various brands on them (its amazing what you can find in the thursday market)

They tend to drive Vaxhaul corsa's turned wanna be ferrari's. They are required to be fordors so that they can seat all of their "crew" (or homies, possie or peeps). The cars themselves can be recognized by the exhaust not unlike the one on the death star, spoilers that would put a shark to shame, body kits likley to scratch the floor, and loud, repetitive bass sounds coming from it.

Agressive creatures, though research has shown while they are often the aggressors, they will only attack if they have the advantage of numbers (usualy of a ration of 1:7)

Lastly, if you find yourself surrounded by chavs, try to locate the leader and tell him one of his "blings" (the chav name for necklace) is off centre. While he attempts to find out which one it is, you can punch him in the face and he will go off to find his brother (who allegedly is a bouncer)

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