Celestial ( & part's)./

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Celestial: adj. 1. Of pertaining to the sky or the Heaven's'.
2. Of, from, or suggestive of Heaven; spiritual; divine.
3. Usually capital C. of pretaining to the Chinese people or to the former Chinese Empire. -n.
1. A heavenly being; a god or an angel.
2. Capital C. Archaic. A Chinese person. Usually used humorously.
Celesta: n. Also celeste. A musical instrument having a keyboard and metal plate's struck by hammer's that produce bell-like tone's.
Celestial Empire: The Chinese Empire. [Translation of Chinese t'ien1 ch'ao2, "Heavenly Empire" (from the belief that the Emperor's were son's of Heaven).]
Celestial equator: A great circle on the celestial sphere in the same plane as the earth's equator.
Celestial globe: A model of the celestial sphere showing the star's and other celestial bodies.
Celestial mechanics: The science of the motion of celestial bodies under the influence of gravitational force's.
Celestial navigation: Ship or aircraft navitational based on the position's of celestial bodies. Also called "astronavigation."
Celestial pole: Either of two diametrically opposite point's at which the extension's of the earth's axis intersect the celestial sphere.
Celestial sphere./ (1)
Celestial sphere:
A. Sun
B. Star
C. Right ascension
D. Declination
E. Earth
F. North celestial pole
G. South celestial pole
H. Hour circle
J. Zero hour circle
K. Celestial equator
L. Vernal equinox
M. Apparent path of the sun
Celestial sphere./ (2)
Celestial sphere: An imaginary sphere of infinite extent with the earth at its' center. The star's, planet's, and other heavenly bodies appear to be located on its' imaginary surface.
Celestite: n. An important white, redbrown, or light blue strontium ore, essentially strontium sulfate, SrSO4.

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