Solar ( & part's)./

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Solar: adj. 1. of pertaining to, or preceeding from the sun: solar ray's.
2. Utililizing or operated by energy derived from the sun.
3. Determinded or measured with respect to the sun.
Solar system: The sun together with nine planet's and all other celestial bodies that orbit the sun.
Solar constant: The amount of solar radiation perpendicularly impinging on a surface of unit area at a distance of one astronomical unit from the sun in a unit interval of time, having an average value of 1.94 calories per minute per square centimeter.
Solar day: The interval between two successive meridian passages of the sun.
Solar flare: A temporary outburst of solar gase's from a small area of the sun's surface, a source of intense radiation.
Solar furnace: A parabolic reflector that focuses solar radiation at a point to obtain temperature's as high as 4,000 degree's c.
Solar house: A house having large quantities of heat-absorbing material behind large glass area's, designed to supplement or replace conventional heating method's.
Solarimeter: n. An instrument used to measure the flux of solar radiation through a surface. [Solar + -Meter.]
Solarium: n., pl. A room, gallery, or glassed-in porch exposed to the sun, as in a sanitarium.
Solarize: v. -ized, -izing, -izes. -tr. To affect by exposing to the sun's ray's. -intr. Photograpghy. To be overexposed. so'larization n. .
Solar month: One twelfth of a tropical year.
Tropic year: The time interval between two successive passages of the sun through the vernal equinox; the calendar year, or 365.2422 mean solar day's. Also called "solar year."
Solar plex: 1. The largest network of sympathetic nerve's and ganglia located in the preitoneal cavity behind the stomach and having branching tract's that supply nerves to the abdominal viscera.
Solar year: A tropical year (see).
Magnetic storm: A severe but transitory fluctuation in the earth's magentic field believed to be produced by current's of charged particle's and gamma ray's, resulting from abnormal solar activity.

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