Sun ( & part's)./

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Sun: n. 1. A star that is the basis of the solar system and that sustain's life on Earth, being the source of heat & light. It has a mean distance from Earth of about 93 million mile's, a diameter of approximately 846,000 mile's, and a mass about 330,000 times that of Earth.
2. Any star that is the center of a plantery system.
3. The radiant energy, especially heat and visible light, emitted by the sun; sunshine. -a place in the sun. A dominant of favorable position or situation. -v.sunned, sunning, suns. -tr.
1.To expose to the sun's ray's.
2. To warm, dry, or tan (something) in the sun. -intr. To bask in the sun.
Ra: Also Re (r`~a): The sun god, the supreme deity of the ancient Egyptian's, represented as a man with the head of a hawk crowned with a solar disk and uraeus. [Egyptian ra'.]
(*side note: No solar disk/ solar disk defintion in dictionary. Dictionary's checked; two, (2) total.)
-Cross referenced with: Uraeus./
Uraeus: The figure of the sacred serpent, depicted on the headdress of ancient Egyptian rulers and deities as an emblem of sovereignty. [New Latin, from late Greek ouraios, from Egyptian uro, asp.]

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