Cooking Pokemon

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If any of you read my last article, you would know it asked why we don't eat Pokemon. Well, assuming we do eat Pokemon, here are some recipes.
Pikachu Delight
First, catch and sluaghter a wild Pikachu. What we want is the meat right next to the heart that is slightly pinkish. Put this in your oven on a buttered pie pan, at 425 for 12- 15 minutes.
when you take this out, it should be turning a light brown. If too brown already, it is ruined. If too light, put in oven until it is ready. If your Pikachu is ready, you will then want to sprinkle garlic over the top and fry on one side only for about 6 minutes. Put on fancy plate and eat with a friend who has nothing to eat him/her self.
Kingler Legs ( A Large Krabby)
Catch and cut the eyes out of a Kingler or large Krabby. Dip in a tartar/keychup mix and suck the meat out through eye sockets. All meat that comes out is edible.
That's all for now folks!

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