The Terranic Army

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Years have passed since the Terranic Army first begun its valient crusade to fight for the prevention of cruelty to SEP's and the freedom to believe the unbelievable. Those words uttered by one of the early regiment leaders - Shoal Prexy - still hold firm.

Since I Terran relinquished command, much has happened. Groups have risen and fallen, new members have come and gone, but the spirit of the Terranic Army - through adversity, conflict and absent leadership - has stayed.

Now the abandoned masses have a new voice. A group is not down to one page, or one tyrant leader, but it is a collection of fantastic researchers. Hold your heads high, for you are members of the Terranic Army!

Army Motto:

"The prevention of cruelty to SEP's and the freedom to believe the unbelievable"

Roll Call

Members of the Terranic Army Field-Marshall Terran Brigadeer Ralph the Wonder Llama Colonel Reefgirl Major Dr Anthea Major Skullock Captain HDS Captain Khamsin Corporal Cal Fortuneswell Private Vice-Mistress Kat Private Laudatortemporisacti

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