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This room is very warm and kind of dark.

The floor is made of a dark colored slate that is heated from underneath.
Both the front and the righthand walls of the bathroom are made of glass. Since this castle is surrounded by bush, there are no worries about voyeurs.

The window which makes up the righthand wall has a lovely view of part of one of the forests on the property; this forest contains mainly arbutus and punga trees.

The ceiling is also made of glass so that you can lie relaxing in the bathtub with candles lit, and look up at the stars.

In the far right corner is a Jacuzzi style tub with enough room to fit two people. It has a sloped back, perfect for reading a book in.

Along the lefthand side of the room is the counter. The counter has one sink, of the kind that the edges of the counter overlap the bowl of the sink.

Above the counter is a large mirror, and on either side is a mahogany cabinet for holding towels, different sorts of bath soaps and bubble baths.

In the near left corner of the room is the shower. The shower rose and dial is supported in a structure the shape of a small chinese pagoda, of which the leftmost wall is a large window.

The shower pagoda is about 5 feet square by 6 feet high, and has a black marble bench inside.

The bath itself is near the centre of the floor, although a little towards the righthand side. It has a classical cast-iron clawfoot shape, but it's larger than a normal bath, and is black in colour. The taps overhang at one end, supported by the pipes they connect to, which rise straight out of the floor.

When you look closely at the inside of the bath, you see that the base is textured with what seems to be small river pebbles, and in fact when you turn a knob attached to the small table beside the bath, this pebbled texture gently heats up, keeping the bath warm as you lie in it. The table is perfect for resting a drink, or a good book on.

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