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Why go to watch a crap football team lose?

Post 1

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Before reading on it is imperative to know that I live in Malta, and that I am Maltese...ok..

Malta is playing Euro championship qualifiers at home to Israel and France next week...I am of course going to both games...sometimes I have to ask myself why though...I am wondering if between the 2 games we manage to score one goal, and additionally if we can keep the total goals against down to single figures!

However there is something special about local football that big team
supporters etc cant appreciate. The world of football is being taken
away from the supporter...last night seeing that I could only watch
non-pay tv, I couldnt watch a single game of football...I'm sorry but
that is unacceptable(for want of a better word)...it's degrading to the 'peoples game' and the people who support these teams. So there is a certain satisfaction to paying a meagre entrance fee and going to watch my local teams...something that Juventus, Manutd, and Real Madrid could never give me.

I think that as supporters of football, who feel passionately about sport, for better or worse, we must stop the money machine. Or is it too late already?

Why go to watch a crap football team lose?

Post 2

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Welcome to h2g2!

This is the help page for conversations - and it doesn't see much activity. Why not copy your post and repost at <./>Askh2g2</.> - where lots of people are waiting to discuss this with you?

Whoami? smiley - cake
Official h2g2 Guru

Why go to watch a crap football team lose?

Post 3

Jimi X

Though two of us stumbling across this conversation shouldn't make you think that there's any traffic here... smiley - winkeye

Askh2g2 *is* the place to go.

smiley - cheers

- Jimi X

Why go to watch a crap football team lose?

Post 4

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

In the meantime, I have to say I reckon its already too late.
As time goes on, the distribution of money within the sport is tending to lean further and further towards to big name clubs. Already here in britain we are seeing smaller clubs in the leagues below the Premiership fall into terrible financial difficulties whilst the big clubs post record profits. If something drastic doesnt happen soon (and I for one would suggest that a good place to start would be to try and put some sort of lid on the transfer market and players wages,which are spiraling out of control) there will be no crap football to watch other than internationals such as Scotland (Come on Scotland!) versus the Faroe Isles.

But I should have said that over at Askh2g2. Very naughty. I just couldnt bare to see such a nicely titled conversation slide out of my conversations list I guess....

smiley - cheersvp

Why go to watch a crap football team lose?

Post 5

Substitute Appearance

I will continue this thread on the other conversation list then. Apologies as it was my first post...still getting used to this.

Why go to watch a crap football team lose?

Post 6

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

That's fine - we all had to learn once, and now it's your turn! How are you enjoying things here on h2g2? smiley - biggrinsmiley - cake

Why go to watch a crap football team lose?

Post 7

Substitute Appearance

Well this is only day 2 of my experience but I think that some of the people who post are very talented, which makes the whole experience interesting and entertaining.

Hope it lasts smiley - winkeye

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