A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Twenty
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FF20 - Week Ten
Orcus Posted Mar 20, 2008
Depends how much research you can be arsed to do and how much time you have available to do it.
I just looked at the results this season on the BBC's website and his name came up a lot.
FF20 - Week Ten
riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes Posted Mar 21, 2008
oh, i shouldn't criticize... my pick was going out on a limb to some extent too; i just had to pick remy because he's one of ours (on loan to lens). it was ormy who had the "no brainer" pick... in quotataions of course! i think the three of us have very similar methods and it does take some brainpower, witness results (not this week of course!)
FF20 - Week Ten
GreyDesk Posted Mar 23, 2008
I probably should have pointed out that for the Dundee v Rangers game I would be taking the result as at 90 minutes. I probably should have realised that that game could go to extra time and penalties, but I didn't.
Fulham 1-0 Everton (McBride)
Man City 2-1 Tottenham (Keane, Ireland, Onuoha)
Wigan 1-0 Bolton (Heskey)
Dundee United 1-1 Rangers (Hunt, Boyd)
Lens 3-3 Marseille (Nasri, Cheyrou, Maoulida, Mangane, Remy, Cisse)
You know how I said about last week that it was probably the lowest scoring week in the competition's history? Yeah, well you lot went and broke your record For Week 9 the average points scored was 3.45 and for this week you've dropped a way down to only 3 a piece
In other news, Orcus has landed the first scoring Full House of the season on his way to the weekly win with a total of 7 points. This consolidates his position at the top of the table as riotact in second only landed 2 points. Also B now holds 3rd place on his own - quite remarkable!
Well done to all who did well, and tough shit to those that didn't
And now lunch.
I'm going to be having jerk chicken strips on a salad bed made from Romaine lettuce, tomatoes and roasted peppers. I'm not sure about the salad dressing, it will probably be something simple like oil and lemon with a pinch of salt and pepper.
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FF20 - Week Ten
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