A Conversation for h2g2's Virtual First Birthday Party.

Lone Aussie seeks party

Post 21


well, I was close enough...

but, I guess I'll let you 'one-up' me this time (for old time's sake) smiley - smiley

Lone Aussie seeks party

Post 22

Demon Drawer

Well you knew what I meant.

NOTE TO SELF Buy a modern dictionary to put beside puter at home.

Lone Aussie seeks party

Post 23


Happy Birthday everyone!!!! smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Lone Aussie seeks party

Post 24

Demon Drawer

Hi Abi, I seem to have lost the Joanna in my ears, I'm not sure yet whether this is a god or bad sign. smiley - winkeye

How is the party going at the Towers?

Lone Aussie seeks party

Post 25


Fabulous - stale hot cross buns and everything! smiley - winkeye

Greetings from Saudi Arabia

Post 26

Jim Lynn

And happy birthday from me, from Riyadh. Hope the weather's OK back in London, because it's *hot* here.

smiley - smiley

Greetings from Saudi Arabia

Post 27

Demon Drawer

Aye we've the stale hot cross buns in here as well. We're heading out for lunch, just because it's payday. smiley - smiley

How are things in Saudi then Jim?

Greetings from Saudi Arabia

Post 28


Tsk Tsk Tsk

Thanks Jim - so kind of you to drop in with a weather report! smiley - sadfacesmiley - winkeye

Greetings from Saudi Arabia

Post 29

Jim Lynn

Great! Relaxing a lot, and not thinking about work much. I only logged in today to join in the virtual celebrations.

We had a great evening yesterday - went to a music festival where two of Bernadette's sisters played a set with their band, the Frillyknickers (Irish and Scottish reels, jigs, etc. played on violin and guitar, two CDs available, ask me for details smiley - smiley).

I probably won't be around a lot more today (on h2g2) as we're hoping to go out to the desert. But I'll stick my head round the door later this evening to make sure things don't get too rowdy. We don't want the neighbours complaining.

(And I dread to think what the Saudi web censor will think about all the virtual alc*h*l that's sloshing around here smiley - smiley)

Have fun everybody...

Lone Aussie seeks party

Post 30

Mark Moxon

Wow! I thought I'd hidden all that booze away rather well...

...but you didn't spot the other boxes in this secret trapdoor. Ah, breakfast! What do we have...

Wine, spirits, beer, pizza, aspirin, cheese and pineapple cocktail sticks and lots of bean bags for the 4am shift.

Let's rock. smiley - smiley


Post 31


I've just nicked a bottle of Mark Moxon's virtual bubbly from his mahogany globe cum drinks cabinet. I don't think he's seen me. He won't realise it's missing. I can replace it later. I'm now swigging from it. God, this stuff's nice. He doesn't get the cheap stuff, then. This is *really* nice bit of champagne smiley - smiley I'm actually feeling a bit light-headed now. He'll kill me if he finds out. Oh, f*** it. This stuf's delicious. I better save some.... It's our Birthday!. Yipee! Hapy birday. I think Ill get anoter bottle in.He wont ntice. lovly bit of mahagony that. Ahh theirs Australia! Hello Australia! Happy]irthday fronm engalnd!! >This champainms' reelly pucker. And its our brthday!One year old,! a babey .Just alittl h2g2 baby. Aahhh, I feel a bit emotional. I do. I migth strat crying in a minute. F**k! Mark! Its you!! What yuo doing back so early? I was at yuor desk because.. bcause... because. I m Really7 sorry Mark. I'm so soory. What?? you cant sack me! what do yuo mean. §i love you Mark.Ido Please dont fire me. What am I going to do?And I havent been drinking I swear. Im not drunk, Mark, I swear. Its my birthday, mark.Im one year old. ok,ok.. i'm going, I'm going.


Post 32

Mark Moxon

Sack you, Sam? I'm just trying to get that bottle of bubbly off you before you spill it on the shagpile.

I'm worryingly sober, but working on it.

*glug glug*

Lone Aussie seeks party

Post 33

Demon Drawer

Argh. Four Italics reseachers talking, five in total. My eyes are seeing things, my ears are hearing things. Pass the bubbly quick. smiley - bigeyes

Lone Aussie seeks party

Post 34


I've just managed to sneak the Stoli from mark and ca't unscrew the top....help.

very thirsty

And very sober.

Where are the peanuts?

Lone Aussie seeks party

Post 35


Alright who has half-hinched my chilli vodka!!!

Lone Aussie seeks party

Post 36


*Wipes dribble from Sam's cin*
*Steals his champers*


Ah, who wants a dance...

Oh, Samuel!

Post 37


Aw, Sam what have you done! Come on hand the bottle over to Mark. I mean it Sam. Samuel, NOW! That's better. Now come over to the kitchen with me and I'll make you a sandwich or something. That's it, one to the right and two to the left...smiley - smiley

Lone Aussie seeks party

Post 38


*flutters eyes at Peta*

Wanna boogie babe?

Lone Aussie seeks party

Post 39


'Twasn't me honest - it looked like store bought & we're still demolishing this private stocksmiley - winkeye


Lone Aussie seeks party

Post 40



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