Contact with subconscious mind
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
1 The ouija board-its not a spirit,merely the minds of the people who are using it.
2 The pendulum method-
Firstly tie a ring or washer to a length of thread longer than half your forearm.Now take a sheet of paper and draw a crosshair(a large x) in the middle of it placing the paper on a table.Hold the thread with the ring or the washer on it 2-3cm above the paperin the middle of the crosshair.Now swing the thread so the washer goes up and down (above the axis of the crosshair pointing away from you)Say the word 'Yes'.Now,swing the pendulum from side to side and say to yourself the word 'no'.Now swing the pendulum in an anti-clockwise circle around the crosshair and say to yourself 'I dont know'.Lastly swing the pendulum in a clockwise circle and say to yourself 'I dont want to say'.
Now with the thread back in the middle of the crosshair,ask yourself questions and wait for the pendulum to swing in the direction for the answer(yes,no,i dont know or I dont want to say).Soon to your amazement,it will be answering your questions.Let the pendulum answer.Let it swing freely-do not try to force it.This researcher was surprised at how unerringly accurate the method was.