Fujin - Portland, Oregon U.S.A.

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The place to head for excellent Chinese fare in Portland, Oregon U.S.A., is Fujin unfortunately located in the sad crush known as the Hawthorne District.

You can get to the Hawthorne District by any number of conveyances...bus, bike, foot, or car. If you head there via automobile your parking may necessitate the use of prayer.

Regardless, once there, head to:

3549 SE Hawthorne Boulevard
Portland, Oregon 97214

You'll find yourself in a little place, usually crowded. The ambience provided by the lack thereof. Which is to say, look past the old and bad wood panel wainscoting and rugged wall paper (you've always wanted to dine with deer staring at you anyway), lucite table tops too keep you from staining the old cloths when you spill), and settle into enjoy the food.

The service is always prompt. In fact, so very much so that you'll likely as not be entirely unprepared as one of the co-owners sets down that first delectable plate of pot stickers. The rest of the food will arrive before you've finished off the appetizers. It's usually a good idea to facilitate the speed by sorting the plates around so the staff can set food down quickly. Doing this means you get food faster and earn the good cheer of the staff.

Fujin's food is always good. In fact, it's better than that. On bad nights it's good. On usual nights it's great. On best nights the offerings are nothing short of inspiring.

The staff is always friendly. At least I've always found them to be so. On busy nights they're pretty efficiently polite, due to the numbers of people in and out, but as the night wears down they get more congenial, especially if you're a regular (I've been a customer for about 8 years or more).

A few comments about the particular foodstuffs (these are targeted at the omnivorous types, non-Kosher, and Catholics not dining on Fridays); Get the pot stickers. I have become, over the years, something of a pot sticker snob. These are big, full, firm, always perfectly sizzled on the bottom and accompanied by a big, heaping bowl of a rich gingery sauce and you'll find brimming pots hot pepper oil on the table.

If you either like, feel indifferent, or love eggplant, then you cannot avoid ordering the Crispy Eggplant. It's...well crispy and succulent and tangy. Once described to me by a date as an "Orgasm on a plate", it's one of my favorites of the standards offered by Fujin's.

You can request special items not on the menu. If you can describe it, they'll make it. If it's something that's an occasional special (green beans in black bean sauce, salt and pepper shrimp, etc.), ask for it, they'll prepare it if they have the ingredients on hand.

If you reserve it in advance, they'll happily prepare Salt and Pepper Crab for you, they used to offer this on the menu, but it wasn't always really good because they like to make sure they have fresh crab available to make it. (**This is totally worth it, usually the cost is a little over market for a whole, fresh Dungeness crab).

A final comment on ordering "hot". If you want it hot, really seriously, spleen sweating hot, make sure you really want it. They don't always make things as hot as you might want, because of having been (no pun intended...well, maybe a little intended) burned in the past by customers refusing to pay for a dish because it was too spicy. My boyfriend likes things hot enough to make his eyeballs sizzle, the staff remembers us and makes sure the chef does his punishing best.

Keep in mind this place gets hopping 'round the dinner hour. On Friday and Saturday nights, it's pretty much packed and busy until closing. Wait around tho, service is so quick, you'll be seated in no time. This place is a sure bet for quick take-away if you're going for dinner and a movie in.

They're closed on Sundays and usually take a holiday for a week in the summer.

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