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Pah, it's easy. All you have to do is click your heels together three times and it happens. No seriously folks psycho-babble and self-help books just don't cut it. Feel the fear and do it anyway - what kind of advice is that? Think about it, deconstruct the sentence - how is that book going to help you? If you're frightened of things it's not even purporting to stop you being scared, it's basically telling you that you are a weak minded baby and you should do it anyway and stop snivelling like the wretch you are - and this book has sold millions of copies, nice huh? To me it's the equivelant of army basic training (not that I've undertaken that particular brain washing exercise) with the evil sargent major shouting over your shoulder to stop being a vile pathetic worm and jump out of that god-damn aeroplane. Hmm I though self help books were meant to be nurturing and kind, baby-sitting people who can't afford therapy through their hang-ups and insecurities so that they can become BETTER PEOPLE.
Well heres my advice (for what's its worth which I know is nothing which is why I'm not making money out of it like all those American psychologists with too much time on their hands who can see an untapped reservoir of paranoia and fear from 1,000 paces)
Be at peace with who you are. The truth is, the chances of you becoming who you really want to be as a person is really remote. We're all grown-ups we've done our maturing our thought and behaviour patterns are hard-wired, and there's nothing we can do about it. So live with it. So you're paralysed with fear at asking people directions, or you cringe inside every time you have to make a phone call. Maybe you can't talk to girls (or boys) or maybe you think you're gay.
Whatever you are, that is what you are and no matter what you think there will always be at least one other person in the world like you, you are not a freak of nature, one off original, odd-ball or whatever your nickname was at school.
Or maybe I'm just annoyed cos the self-help books don't work for me....

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