Pigeon Football

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Just a quickie! Have you ever been sitting in a train/bus station absolutely bored out of your mind? There's been a delay, you know you're going to miss your tea and the most exciting thing happening is the weird old man sifting through the bins. I found myself in that situation earlier today and was amazed to discover that there is a cheap way to entertain yourself for anything up to 5 minutes!

A small girl was being dragged through the terminal by her mother, obviously in a hurry. She happened to drop a Malteser on the floor by mistake (for our foreign friends a Malteser is a small ball of honeycomb covered in chocolate, a popular confectionary item here in the UK). Almost at once a large horde of pigeons descended and tried to devour it. However, the Malteser was too large for any of the pigeons to swallow, and the tiny brain of a pigeon decides that its best course of action is to try and crush it. It obviously lacks the beak power and co-ordination for this task, as the crushing act merely fires the Malteser a few feet away prompting another mad scramble as all the birds try to grab the prize. Because of the round shape, its also difficult for them to pick up and so they dribble it around for a while using their beaks, before one of them manages to pick it up, fire it off and the whole spectacle begins again. This went on for twenty five minutes before my bus arrived, the only damage to the Malteser being that the pigeons had sucked all of the chocolate off!

Now, considering that you probably get twenty or more Maltesers in a packet, and the packet costs around thirty pence, a particularly stupid person could be amused by this game for literally days. Try it and see!

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