Red Dwarf

4 Conversations

Red Dwarf is a British comedy devised by the brilliance of Rob Grant and Doug Naylor. It has been described as Steptoe and Son in space but that description lacks insight. The plot is that onboard a mining vessel, the Red Dwarf, there has been an accident which has killed off the crew. There are survivors. Firstly there is Dave Lister who was in suspended animation at the time of the blast, also a creature who evolved from Dave's cat and a newly resurrected hologramatic version of Dave's bunkmate - Arnold Judas Rimmer. There is also a computer called Holly who has gone senile. They wander around deep space and get into all sorts of fixes and at last count 32 people had wanted to kill them (that doesn't count a lot of series 6 and any of 7 or 8). The eighth series was the most recent one and it had a predictably cliff-hanger style ending leaving a path open for another series. A movie is also planned. Dave Lister is played by Craig Charles, Cat is Danny John-Jules, Rimmer is played by Chris Barrie, Holly is brilliantly played by Norman Lovett. Also, in series 2 the character of Kryten was introduced and he has been a regular from then on. Kristine Kochanski is played by Chloe Annet although she used to be Claire Grogan. Kochanski has been involved regularly from series 7 but she was occasionally is the early shows. Series 8 is regarded as brilliant in general but series 7 got a lot of criticism from Red Dwarf fans. Some people at would be delighted to tell you why. There have also been four novels written and audio narrations of these exist.

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