Attractions in Braintree (PUBS etc)
Created | Updated Apr 18, 2002
It also has a wide variety, or at least a variety of pubs. Seeing as Im sure I cant say their names directly I will instead spell them backwards as a cunning ploy. Here they are: snoopsrehtaehW.... Cheap drink, Lack of atmosphere, good food. nrevaT yawliaR.... small, dingy, freindly Karaeokee nights. legnA, teertS drofdarB..... Clean, Pool table, Near the college, Karaeokee nights. s'yelieR'O..... Irish, Wooden, Irish, Live gigs, a cheap drink (Just one mind you). s'kalF.... Have to pay!! Open late, Lots of people. lluB.... Dance Floor, Big Screen that shows sports, Own personal DJ. sesroH dna nogaW.... Old people, No cider, wood styleing. daeH sraoB.... Pool Table, a bar, erm drinks, it's near s'kalF.