
1 Conversation

From 13-19, a kid is gonna start getting all randy, horny, rebellious, disobediant, violent, spotty, hairy, spunky, and generally be a general pain in the ass to people. This may not be his fault, on the other hand it may be his fault. When a kid is having his body screwed up by his hormones, he's not going to have much patince for some dithering old fart. So, chances are he'll mug you and steal your wallet/lager/wife/teeth.

On the other hand, he may have decided that he's not going to have any patience for people older than him. Especially if he's discovered music (and I'm talking real music, not dance or pop dreck). So, he'll go out of his way to cause as much grief to Big People as possible, to get cheap thrills and brownie points off his mates. Teachers beware, as you will be obvious targts for abuse.

However, this will not be entirely gratuitous. When you've gone eight or nine years being mucked around by teachers, then you're going to do as much damage as you can when you get the opportunity.
Y'see, in a kid's eyes, teachers are the Evil Empire. Try having an argument with a teacher. If you start winning, then the teacher will use his/her authority and voice to give the kid a kick up the arse. And then they complain that they're not being respected. Honestly...

If the teenager is clever, then he probably won't be a troublemaker. He'll be ostracised from the rest of the teenage clan, and won't enjoy life until he's got his PhD and can stroll past his ex-friends in the ghetto, wearing a pinstripe suit and tossing pennies into their hats.

Music: well, it depends whether the kid's a skid or not. If he's a skid then he'll be a fan of whatever's been marketed as fashionable, such as pan-pipe music.
The clever kid will probably not get his kicks from music. So don't even bother asking.
Any other teenager will have discovered heavy metal and/or punk, and will have no regrets with sharing it with the rest of the world. If it shocks the old people, so much the better. So, Slipknot and Marilyn Manson are firm teenage favourites. Unless you're dealing with the 'sensible' teenagers, who will be more fond of 'sensible' 1980s Iron Maiden, and that sort of thing. Their 'sensible' music will still frighten the pensioners, cos that's the way it works.

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