Nintendo DS

2 Conversations

The newest console from Nintendo since the GameCube, featuring two screens, one of which is touch-sensitive. It has almost rhe power of the N64 console. This opens up new possibilities for gameplay, including multiplayer versions of Mario 64, and handwriting recognition.

The release date for the DS will be on November 21 in North America and December 2 in Japan - the first time that a Nintendo console has ever been released somewhere else before Japan. It will cost $149.99, and will come with the PictoChat application built into the hardware. The $149.99 price tag also includes a demo card of Metroid Prime: Hunters, entitled "First Hunt" to test it out, much like how Tetris was bundled with the original GameBoy.

For those who don't know, PictoChat is a program much like AIM which enables DS users to chat over the wireless connection the DS has. It can also still recieve incoming messages while in sleep mode (a feature available most notably on the Metroid games on the GBA), much like a mobile phone.

And now, some quotes from the men in charge.

Satoru Iwata:
"Nintendo's mission remains unchanged: expand the game experience. Nintendo DS is the road map to the future of video games, and most clearly demonstrates the type of innovation that players demand."

Larry Probst (EA chairman, CEO):
"Each time Nintendo creates a hand-held, it introduces new elements of play and sets a new standard for mobile gaming. The DS is no exception - Nintendo has another big winner with the DS."

Just to remind you all, the dimensions will be WDH 148.7 x 84.7 x 28.9 mm (5.85 x 3.33 x 1.13 inches). Unlike the PSP, the games are all stored on MMC-like cards which ensures no jarring or whatever, and longer life of the cart - and battery!

Nintendo is developing 20 first-party titles for the DS, many of which are launch titles, and a ream more are in development by third parties. EA love the device.

The unit should be available around March in the UK and Europe.

It supports, along with the 1Gb DS cartridges, single-player modes on GBA cartridges. It also has a built-in microphone for communication over WiFi for use with a system similar to XBox Live, and the option for an external headset.

The Nintendo DS also sports an internal rechargable battery, much like the GBA SP.

It should be available in Britain for aroun the £80 - £110 price range, although it may be a bit more expensive. As a Nintendo fan, I can't wait!

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