Elian Gonzalez Case ?

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I know that a lot of h2g2's members are European, and I was wondering if the custody case of Elian Gonzalez is making news where y'all live?
CNN covers it to death, but that network is American based so that's to be expected.

Early this (Saturday 4/22/00) morning, the US Government seized Elian from his distant relatives in Miami and reunited the 6 year old boy with his father. I for one am glad to see the father and so reunited after 5 months apart. Assuming the father is a "fit" father, meaning he not abusive or anything like that, why shouldn't the boy be returned to his dad. Because the father happens to live in Cuba? Hmmm. The literacy rate is MUCH higher in Cuba than it is in the USA, health care is free, and there kids don't get shot by other kids in school. Who's to say that the kid is better off in Miami, a city with one of the highest per capita murder rates in the US? I don't see why it should matter if the father lives in Cuba, Arizona, or the North Pole. The man clearly is a good father and he wants to take care of his son. Everyone out there in the Little Havana section of Miami should go home and take care of their own kids and leave this very private issue for the family to resolve in peace.

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