the dandy warhols

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The Dandy Warhols are a 4 piece rock band hailing from Portland, Oregon made up of Courtney Taylor on vocals, Zia McCabe on keyboards, Peter Holstrom on guitar & Brent DeBoar on Drums.Their sound has been compared favourably to the Velvet Underground & T-Rex, & their behaviour & lifestyle preferences also echo the excesses of the 70's.
They first hit the big time with the album 'Dandies Rule OK' back in 1995, which prompted a frantic bidding war between all the 'hip' record labels, which Capitol eventually won. They produced another album with Capitol, which consequently became known as 'the black album', because it was too dark to release. They released their second album 'Come Down' in 1997, which gained much attention thanks to the catchy kitsch singles 'Not if you were the last junky on earth' & 'Every day should be a holiday'. They have completed a new album which will be released soon.

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