Bored with the USA

1 Conversation

Yeah you heard me. Give me time to get witty lyrics too ;-)

Please America, stop brainwashing the world with your music, tv and attitude.

Is it a coincidence that Slipknot, Slayer and Marilyn Manson happen to be of the "we'll f*****g kill ya if you don't buy our stuff!" persuasion? Methinks they are influencing crappy British imitations, because the American versions are so cool and fashionable.

Friends is not a funny programme. It is, to quote Maxim, Keeping Up Appearences with better looking girls. Thing is, Keeping Up Appearences was funny...
A lot of American tv is over-hyped. I wouldn't have anything against it if it wasn't for the hordes of teenage girls jumping onto the "let's be cool" bandwagon. But there you are...

Attitude is rather pompous in some cases.
Now, I know full well that there are a lot of brilliant, kind, friendly, understand, not-pompous Americans out there. But then, the same goes for any group of people that are popular targets for pages like this. There are even nice WELSH people for crying out loud! ;-)
However, I'm not picking up on these people.
America, there are countries outside of you, and some of them have cultures and languages they're rather keen of keeping. As I've said a million times before, America is being the Borg. Now, I know that the British Empire was a bit of a Borg too, but that was over a hundred years ago. It's America's turn to play the part now.
But what can I do? Fight off the hordes of people who'll flock to this saying "you racist m************r!"? Well, nobody's gonna be reading this, I can say what I like. And what I'd like to say (which is what I'm saying now) is coming from my head. So, whaddya gonna do about it? Gag me?

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