Football, why?

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There exist a lot of sports so why choose football over any other? Well the most obvious reason for doing this is of course that football is a better game. (All you ignorant should notice that rugby, and thereby american football, and all similar handball-sports are not included in this description). Allthough this is a truth with very few modifications not all people have come to this conclusion. I therefore see it as my duty to inform theese lost souls of why this is so. First take a sport like basketball. It's a great sport, but only as long as you are included in the game yourself. The instant you become a spectator it becomes boring. The only objective then seems to be to score goals very fast, eventhough each goal doesn't matter very much at all. The same thing goes for handball as well. Secondly there's icehockey. This is a sport where the playing itself becomes more important, and therefore it's interesting not only for the goals itself. (Which, when you think about it, every idiot, given time, could have managed to score at one time or another). The problem with icehockey is the pretty complicated rules, which takes time to learn. And when you at last have learned them you have to have the eyes of a hawk to see the puck and the players, and if you do spot either they are somewhere else before you are able to react. Then there are the problem of the ice itself, which you pretty much are in need of if you are going to play this sport in the first place. This could turn out to be a problem, depending on where you are, and when you are there. Thirdly you have volleyball and tennis. Here you have both play and goals. (Eventhough you have to have some kind of head-disturbances to count the goals). When it comes to theese sports it can be very boring looking at such small courses with players hardly moving, when you have to shut up allmost the whole game. (Except for some polite whisteling at a good serve). Last there are such sports as baseball and cricket, golf, racing, skiing. (Etc.) All theese sports with various flaws such as time, place and complicated rules only understood by a little invited group of people.
Then it at long last comes to football. This is a game with all the pros and very few of the cons mentioned earlier. The rules are so easy that everybody are able to understand them. You do not need a particular kind of surface (like ice) to play on, and it can therefore be played everywhere. The game itself contains not only of scoring goals, eventhough this is what counts at the end of the game. But during the ninety minute duration of a game there are usually scored between one to four goals. (This varies quite a lot). From this simple fact it is easy to reach the conclusion that something other than goalscoring has to happen in a game of football. An it is this something, the game itself, with its very easy rules, that makes football superior to all other sports. And last but not least it is as enjoyable to play as it is to watch a good game of football.:-)

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