Worcester, England

1 Conversation

Worcester is located in England in the west midlands, south of Birmingham and north of Bristol. It's history is wide and varied, ranging from the start and ending point of the civil war to more simple things such as the amazing Worcester Sauce and Royal Worcester Porcelain.

However I am not here to tell you about its history, merely some of the things you can see and do in Worcester!

For the seasoned traveller there are many hotels to stay at, why not try the Severn View, or choose one of the many B&B's (ONLY for the HARDENED traveller ;) ) Most of them are reasonably priced but don't expect anything too fancy as Worcester isn't too tourist based.

Once you have checked in how about a bit of shopping? Perhaps the local shopping centre Crown Gate will suit you. It is spread out throughout the city centre and has plenty of shops, however you could just browse the main high street shops. A few shops I would reccomend are:
The Software Store (Reindeer Court in the city centre). This is a great place for shoppers looking to but some new PC/PS2/XBOX etc games.

The Pasty Shop (City Centre, near Natwest). A great place to get some lunch, or just to watch them make the brilliant pasties through the shop window.

After you are shopped out how about some leisure time? There are cinema's (Odeon and Warner Villages - I reccomend you pay slightly more and head for Warner's as they have much better seats and screens.), Bowling Lanes, Theatres and many more places. If you want some advice just visit the City Hall information Office on the High Street to pick up some leaflets or advice.

Once you have finished relaxing why not grab a bite to eat at Pizza Hut, Deep Pan Pizza, Poppins, The Bank House Hotel Restaurant or one of the many many others. Or if you fancy a curry why not head over to the Hing Thai, its in St. Johns on the other side of the river to the city centre. Or just up the road from the Hing Thai, why not try the Pasha Indian Restaurant.

Don't forget to check out the brilliant sight's such as the Cathedral, take a river trip, see a game of cricket or rugby, visit the civil war centre or see one of the mant other things.

Well now that you know some of the basics feel free to contact me on h2g2 and ask any questions or if you visited, let me know what you think, or if you are visiting and want some extra info just ask!!

Have fun!

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