Greetings and Salutations
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Let me start by saying that i hate the word "howdy" and i dont know why exactly it is that i feel compelled to use that as the opening for this page for any other reason that i want to make sure that it gets equal time with all the rest of the greetings in the world. so with that randomness done. i shall continue.
ok, this is going to seem like it was written at the same to time to most people, but this paragraph was actaully written a good few hours after the original paragraph. upon further investigation and a good ammount of bordem i have discovered that there is no shortage of the greeting "howdy" if you dont beleive me simply do a search for "howdy" and you will see a plethera of pages with this particular greeting. now to be fair, i must do some more resarch on other greetings, such as "hi" "hey" and the ever formidable "yo"
So i'm really bored, and have done some more research on greetings. it would appear that hi, is the most commonly used greeting, followed by hello, and hey. There were very few instances of "yo" Isnt it a shame? but i suppose it takes the right kind of person to be able to say "yo" and mean it.
now for the scary part. what had started as a thought from a random bordem, has actually turned into something that i have put some time into (this paragraph is being written a full day after the last) and am actually enjoying in some odd erie kind of way. anyway, on with what i have discoverd, perhaps in the way that "america" was discovered by columbus after it was discovered by the vikings after it was discovered by some very surprised people who had been living there for quite some time. but i digress, many people enjoy combining their greeting with the word "there" as in "hello there" or "hey there" i think it is important to note that "yo there" sounds very, very foolish.
ok, this is the part of my little article that i put a correction at, or maybe its an inclusion (okay, i dont know what to call it) well anyway, first of all i forgot the greeting "sup" which is one of the favorites of the infamous Irving Washington of the aroma cafe. he also pointed out that he uses different greetings in person than he does when he writes. i do the same thing, so i thought it only fair to point this out, because if your really bored then this will give you something to do, it certainly is giving me something to do :-)
thank you, and goodnight...