Talking Point: Best Nightclubs

4 Conversations

A mirrorball, gleaming.

Nightclubs... oh the memories that they conjure up! From your first snog to witnessing the birth of iconic music and fashion trends or just dancing in a euphoric haze to the track of the moment. Clubbing is where everyone's on a level, everyday stresses are forgotten and to heck with getting up in the morning. But the nocturnal magic does depend on the club itself; an overcrowded theme-bar say, is not everyone's cup of tea. Certain nightclubs, like the Hacienda in Manchester, UK or Studio 54 in New York, USA - have made it into history books, achieving legendary status from the celebrities and DJs and fans who frequented them.

We want to know all about your favourite nightclubs. What makes them special - is it the DJ, the decor or even the range of cocktails on offer? Perhaps the outrageous dress-code or super-swanky, unisex toilets are the attraction. Whatever it is, send in your thoughts and memories right now!

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