Mornington Crescent Game

1 Conversation

Just for the hell of it I am starting off a mornington crecent space by which games can be played within its following conversations. I wonder if anyone will actually notice? It is a terribly complicated game after all and afficionadoes may be hard pressed in locating it. Ah well.
Oh yes one rule applying to all games that follow, no using Trellups variant or all your moves will be discounted. Thank you.

Additional - Some time later I am adding a few other points of interest to those interested in this noble sport. And also in the hopes of attracting some more players. Grr.
A769395 The Mornington Crescent Appreciation Society (lovely people so Im led to believe)
A490349 I'm Sorry, I Haven't A Clue - the Radio Series (the advancement of the game would not have got very far without the efforts of this)
A617744 Mornington Crescent - the Game (somebody who did exactly the same as I in this space and had rather more sucess, damn them)

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