Drunken brawling.

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One the most popular British pastimes,drunken brawling is the closest thing the Brits have to a martial art.A combination of amateur boxing and wrestling is involed,all aided varied quantities of various alcoholic drinks.
Unlike other martial arts drunken brawling can take place at any place and at any time,although it most commonly occurs outside the pub,usually between 11:15-11:45 at night.
There is a set proceedure by which a bout is initiated.It goes something like this:
1. contestents drink the maximum tolerable amount of alcohol..and then some.
2. Two contestents will find each others gaze.This tells the other,"I am a contender and am ready."
3. The match is confirmed verbally with one of the following prases:
a.Are you staring at me?
b.Are you staring at my girl/boyfriend/bird/bloke/missus*
c.Did you spill my pint?
Extra credit can be gained here in the form of freestyle phrasing.This can envolve combination of the above phrases or,if creatively minded,entirely new ones.The most original I've heard is"Have you seen my Astra?"
4. One invites the other to step outside.
The contenders then proceed to the place of battle and begin to violently beat each in any way that they are able to.
A bout ends when either:
a. One of the contenders is beaten into submission/unconcious.
b. Both are incapacitated.
c. The match is called due outside intervention(the police turn up).
Unlike most contests drunken brawling is about pride.There are no great rewards or prizes except that of impressing your colleagues.
*Any slang alternative for spouse.

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