Science fiction or reality.

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I know I probably scare everyone away.
What with all my insane theories and suspicions.
What with the extraterestials and the spirits of the dead,
the vita wicca and my royalty.
But it all must be entertaining and I'm sorry if I've caused
any pain.
I was just kidding about seeking women of child bearing age.
Frankly I don't want to bring children into this insane world.
Especially when I can barely take care of myself, let alone make enough money to support them.
I really believe in reincarnation anyway, and really think this is my last lifetime on this sick planet.
Yes the planet is sick.
I'll say it again, the general public's mass consciousness
needs to be healed, by revealing as much of it's real history as
Heal the mass consciouseness and you'll help to heal the ozone
layer a bit,
You may ask what does this have to do with science fiction?
Well I keep seeing the spirits of the dead and living and the extraterrestials. They talk to me and bow their heads.
Ever since 1984 I've thought alot of the world was wiretapping my telephone.
I think the human race can heal the ozone layer with the powers of the mass mind if we had the complete history from the rise a Adolf Hitler till now. So you have to enter my journals...

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