The Town of Mount Royal (TMR), Montreal, Quebec, Canada Content from the guide to life, the universe and everything

The Town of Mount Royal (TMR), Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Town of Mount Royal (TMR) or Ville de Mont Royal (VMR) in French is an affluent suburb of Montreal, in the province of Quebec, Canada.

It consists of houses generally worth over one million Canadian dollars, with each house having its own swimming pool. Garages seem to be filled mainly with Mercedes and BMWs. The majority of the residents are French-Canadian professionals, with doctors and lawyers being the most highly respected professionals of the area. There is also a significant community of Hassidic Jews as well as many rich families from the Middle East who maintain (but rarely use) houses in TMR.

If you're there, try out Murray's. It's this bizarre cafeteria/restaurant which has been there for all living memory. Any retired person in TMR is likely to know the soup of the day at Murray's, if asked politely. The food is eatable and the varied clientele make it an interesting experience.

The Mount Royal is the mountain that dominates Montreal, and is also worth a look. Perched on what is actually a big hill, is the French speaking University of Montreal and a wonderful park which offers great views.

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