Alf the dog

1 Conversation

Having noticed several interested persons conversing on the subject of Alfs existence, i can assure you that after 12 years together Alf exists.She claims to be a cross between a rat terrier and a dachshund(badger hound for non Germanics), speaking French,English,Dutch and Flemish, she has carved a career on stage, TV, and public appearences throughout France,Canada and is trying to break into the American chat show circuit.She is at present writing new material in the south of France and accepts no unpaid appearances apart from serious political debate and cookery programs in a good cause.
A quick rundown of Alfs likes and dislikes:
1/People, in general given the benefit of the doubt.
2/Cats,see 1/ except in the case of Andrew Loyd Webber.
3/Travel, Alf does not like trains or aircraft but enjoys car travel and motorcyle trials in her spare time.
4/Politics, a sore subject since her rejection in the last French Presidentials.
5/Food, likes anything not marked for animal consumption,Chinese restaurants are her favourite haunts.
6/Free time, motorsports in general(has recently made an application to Ferrari in case they get a third car)
7/Unidentified bits of fluff,loves these!
8/TV, mainly documentaries but a little sci-fi from time to time.
9/Clothes, tends to go for a plain un made-up look.
10/Music loves Tom Waits, hates the Cure(i suspect this because a failed relatioship with one of the band before we met).
Autographed pictures are now available on her personal website for a smallish fee.

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