Freddy Krueger

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<P>Freddy Krueger, a character created by Wes Craven for the Nightmare on Elm Street films. &#8220;He wears a dirty black and yellow sweater, his skin is lacerated and burnt, and he wears a modified glove with knifes for fingers.&#8221;
<P>Freddy invades your nightmares, and kills you in your sleep with his steel finger knifes. But if he kills you in your sleep, you are killed in real life. The horror of Freddy Krueger is that he will never stop, can not be bargained with, and has proven him-self to be invincible. Although these are the characteristics of a classic horror character, Freddy kills with such inventiveness and horror, and the fact that he invades your dreams, which is your personal domain, makes him all the more terrifying. The way Freddy plays your own fear against you is probably the most frightening.<P/>
For six of the seven &#8220;Elm Street&#8221; films, Freddy was played by Robert Englund, who mastered Freddy&#8217;s mannerisms and scared the teenagers of the 80&#8217;s. A brand new movie is being made at this time, pitting Freddy against Jason (from the Friday the 13th films) for control of hell.

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