WCW (World Championship Wrestling)

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WCW is a Wrestling company owned by Ted Turner, who is known mostly for his very deep pockets. WCW show a rather milder form of sports-entertainment than it's two compeditors, and it's been said that's why they have been losing the ratings war with the WWF. Although, WCW has many very talented athletes, many are virtually ignored, for example Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, and many other very talented superstars. Another little habit WCW is known for is "stealing" wrestlers from the other wrestling companies, such as Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Curt Hennig, Jeff Jarret, and many, many more. But it's obvious that WCW is doing some things right, because they are closely trailing WWF in the ratings "war" and have a very loayal fanbase. According to many former employees of the WCW, it isn't a pleasant company to work for. For exampble the current stars of the WCW were also the stars two or three years ago, and even more in some cases like Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. Because of all of these facts, WCW will have to change somewhat before they become the more popular company, but it's doubtful that they ever will.

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