Spy Game (Robert Redford, Brad Pitt, Katherine McKormack)

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Spy Game is a film by Tony Scott, who I might add has done a lot of great actions movies I see. This is one of my favorites, and I'll tell you why in the sub-sections here. I think both Robert Redford and Brad Pitt did a very nice job with this movie, and I think it is much better than some of the movies coming out these days. It combines good action with great Espionage.

NOTE: This movie was rated R for Language, some Violence, and Brief-Sexuality.


To give you a good jist of it, I am going to keep most of the story to your imagination until you actually see it. I like the plot of this movie, though there is a small lack of action. So anyway, here it is:

Robert Redford plays a CIA operative on his last day, about to spend the rest of his life safely in the Bahamas. Upon arriving at work, he discovers his friend, Tom Bishop (Brad Pitt), an agent he trained for the field, has been arrested in China for charges of Espionage. Now, the clock is ticking. With only 24 hours before the Chinese execute him, Muir must sidestep the other CIA operatives, who are trying to burn Bishop in order to prevent an international incident, to save his friend's life.


Everybody a nice job here. I can even tell you the casting director was very good in his choices. I wouldn't change any character. I think if you like Redford in his espionage movies like Sneakers, you'll love this one. I think he is good for Espionage movies, and is a good actor for this movie. Brad Pitt really plays his part well and you really tell what he feels throughout the movie. Katherine McKormack, who plays Elizabeth Hadley in the movie, has a good role as well. I don't see her in much, other than I know she was in Braveheart. Still, this is a great movie for her as well.

Action / Espionage

I think for an action movie, it had more suspence than action. It had the great, explosive action scenes, but those scenes with Muir (When he is doing his work and stuff) are the real meat of this film. Sure, there are those action scenes, but the better part is how Muir manages to stay at least one step ahead at all times. I love those kind of action scenes. Not the blood, but the brains and instincts.


Here is my favorite section, and it will probably be the longest. I love Harry Gregson-William's Style. I think it is a great mood to set for a movie like this. The Tachno-Rock Music Harry writes goes into this movie so well it is scary. I think this is the best type of music to se for a film on something like this. Espionage should be linked to technology, and the scores, not only classical scores and mixes, but also the sounds and styles provide a great backdrop to this masterpiece. I just think it fits in so well, just as it does in Metal Gear Solid 2, for you gamers out there. Just about anything by Harry Gregson-Williams released on a soundtrack is pure gold. You can listen to it anywhere, even if it is a score. The music comes out not only powerful in the movie, but also alone in the soundtrack. If you have a chance, and you like the soundtrack of the movie, don't hesitate to pick up the score. It is great. Any fan of Harry's will love the music even without seeing the movie.


This is one of the greatest movies I've seen dealing in Espionage. Fans of Sneakers, also with Robert Redford, will like this movie. Vice-versa as well. Sneakers is a good movie, I hope to review soon. Anyway, this movie has great action, music, and an all-star cast of great actors. This is one of my favorites, so DON'T hesitate to watch it, if you get the chance.

Final Score: 10/10


Official (I think) Website
Movie Tome PageOmega 3 - The Mixing Dude
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