Egyptain Gods and Goddeses
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Nun(none)-The watery abyss. Father of Ra.
Ammon Ra( ahmoan ra)-The Egyptain god who(In Egyptain belef) created everything. Some Egyptains called them seleves the cattle of Ra.
Anubis(anoobis)-The Jakal-headed god of mummification.
Thoth(thoth)-The Ibis-headed god of knowledge.
Sobek(Sowbeck)-The Crocadile-headed god who controls water suplies.
Sekmet(seckmet)-The Lion-headed goddes of war.
Set(set)-The Arrddvarrk-headed god of the underworld and the brother of Osiris.
Twharet(twarret)-The goddes of childbirth who was a pregnant Hippopotamus.
Osiris(osighris)-The god of the dead.
Isis(eyesisus)-The wife of Osiris who took care of people.
Hourus(horrus)-The Falcon-headed god who took care of the Pharoh
Hathor(hathorr)-The Wildcat goddes of love known as the eye of the sun.
Nut(newt)-The sky goddes and daughter of Ra.