Star Fleet

2 Conversations

This was an unusual form of Japanese marianette anime, a contradiction it may seem but true nonetheless.

For those of you coming here to look for the military/exploration wing of the United Federation of Planets from Star Trek are going to be disappointed, because this Star Fleet is the name of a highly funky puppet series from the early-mid eighties

The series revolves around the invasion of the Solar System by the Imperial Alliance in the year 2999. In response, the Earth forces launch their secret weapon, X-Bomber which is armed to the teeth with twin gunneries, two laser cannons concealed under the nose, six laser torpedo launchers, three fighter craft and its primary weapon, X-Impulse which was a dodgy yet visually stunning death ray used only twice in the whole series. The X-Bomber was commanded by Dr. Ben Robinson and piloted by space cadets Shiro Hagen, Barry Hercules and Jon Lee. Its three fighters (Braincom, Mainbody and Legtrack) piloted by the space cadets can connect and transform into a fearsome red robot (probably the most memorable moments in the series), with a mad death ray on its face and a big blue energy shield.

The story and the episodes are complicated, but it either involves X-Bomber kicking ass or having its ass kicked. Basically the Imperial Alliance are looking for the F-01, some device, thing or person who holds the ultimate power in the universe so that they can succeed in their maniacal plans for galactic domination, which is supposed to be on Earth somewhere. It turns out to be this alien disguised as a human called Lamia, who joins the crew of X-Bomber. Eventually everything irons out and Lamia joins with the other half of the F-01 (A humanoid alien Captain Halley who commands a dodgy looking sailing ship in space called the Skull) to become this supreme being which vanquishes the Imperial Alliance and saves X-Bomber and Earth.

Although I remember little from the series, there are some wicked sites (which elude me at the moment) which have pictures, videos and other multimedia downloads. This was a lovely little production with some very cool music and has for me at least, some very fond memories

:-) :-)

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