The Covenanters in 17th Century Scotland

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When James VI of Scotland became James I of England as well he moved to London. While there he learned about the Anglican church and decided he liked it, it being less democratic than the Kirk. The Kirk (Church of Scotland) has all of it's officials elected by the people (Known as Presbyterianism). Hence they did not always agree with the King. James' son Charles I much preferred the English system of appointed bishops so he told the Scots to change the structure of their religon, which they didn't like. This included use of a new, English-style, service book. When this book was introduced in Edinburgh a riot ensued. Thus, on 28th of February, 1638 the National Covenant was signed in Greyfriars Churchyard in Edinburgh by the leading Scottish nobles. It was then distributed around the country to be signed by the peasentry. This document was a petition, claiming support for both the King and Presbyterianism.
The signing of this document, and the King's refusal to agree to it's demands eventually led to a civil war, known as the Bishops War. Charles I was defeated in this.
A couple of years later, when Charles I went to war against his English parliament (at this time Scotland still had a fully independent parliament of it's own), the parliamentarians asked the Scots Covenanters for help. A deal was signed, whereby the English would become Presbyterian in return for the Scots help. This lead to Charles I defeat at Marston Moor and his eventual total defeat.
When the English Parliament then executed the King the Scots complained that a)That wasn't part of the plan and b)Why hadn't England become Presbyterian. Thus the Scots crowned Charles II king, and Cromwell invaded and eventually won. This makes him the only man to have succesfully invaded Scotland.
After the restoration of Charles II in 1660 he attempted to introduce the Anglican faith once again, causing a second wave of Covenanters. This wave was not as universal, however. There were no big armies. Rather Covenanters would convene for outdoor services while Government soldiers hunted them across the moors. This was worst during the period 1678-1685 (Happily known as the "Killing Times"), and you can still see many memorials today to those who died for their faith.

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