Aids a paranoid schizophrenics theory or a psychics;

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Aids a pandemic man made or not?
Whether man made or not, it is still all of Gaia and spreads naturally as well, so everyone is still living out there karma.Powers beyond everyones control and there is still some free will aswell.
Aids or the HIV virus, was it originally developed by the Nazis?
I think so, originally started in development around 1933 by Nazi scientists, and unfortunately by Royal circles.
Look back at world history and spreading disease is an old trick, infected blankets to the american indians, etc.
The hepatitus B program in America has long been suspected of iniating the advent of HIV. Yes Nazi scientists were protected by thev USA government.
Who else does this but the most racist sexist people on earth.
Aids massive insurance fraud and massive genocide.
How much money does Aids cost all the world governments, and why are so many black people infected? Like I said before, it must have been created by the most sexist racist people on earth, who else cares so much about everyones geneology, but Nazis and Royals.
How do they get away with it?
Control of the mass media, atomic power, planting their people in key positions of police,intelligence, jugdes and politics. Corruption is that anything new?
Do most other intelligencia have to turn a blinds eye to AIDS, in order to counteract an outright third world war and atomic warfare, at this point of history? Unfortunately I believe so.And I believe it's been this way for the last quarter of a century.
So there you have it, a paranoid schizophrenics view point, or a psychics...

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