Anti-Gravity - A Serious Explanation

4 Conversations

There is research going, by NASA and others, to produce a viable anti-gravity machine, or engine, but as yet, there is no complete exposition on the subject on the Internet. This lack of information is mainly to do with the subject being covered by a US National Security ban on release of patent information.

Albert Einstein predicted the existance of gravity waves, and the 1993 Nobel Prize for Science was awarded for the theoretical proof of their existance.

A Dr Eugene Podkletnov, of the Tampere University, Finland is a man of controversy in this field. He was one of the first to produce an anti-gravity effect using a spinning Yitrium Barium Copper Oxide super-conducting disc cooled to -200 Celsius, above which he discovered a field in which any object placed there lost approximately 2% of its weight. He also discovered that the anti-gravity weight-lessening effect extended up through the building he was in, and onwards for about 1 kilometre, making everything in that path 2% lighter.

NASA have replicated the effect, but there are debates as to whether Podkletnov produced or removed gravity waves from these objects or whether the effect was actually caused by electromagnetic particle bombardment forcing objects up and away from the Earth, so that they seemed lighter when in fact electromagnetism was shifting the balance.

The jury is still in closed session on this one, but I would wait about 20years, and see how we get to our holiday resorts in near Earth orbit...

The Institute for New Energy ( ) provide up to date articles on the publically available information. Quantum Cavorite ( ) is another site devoted to new energies, and they have many photographs and video clips of semi-conductor based anti-gravity field effect machines.

Tesla did work on lessening the effect of gravity, and this was done electromagnetically. Be warned though, it is hard to find in depth information on some of Tesla's more secret projects, as again they affect US National Security.

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